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Do you need to go through 100 accountants to find the best services in Melbourne?

Accounting services in classy Melbourne


We don’t think so.

Accountants perform an important service nevertheless.

So, here are some of the best accountants (and their services) we have come across (we looked at reviews and asked a few questions etc) through a very informal process. Why informal? The point is to save you time – not to publish it in a stuffy academic journal. This is meant to be useful – quickly.

Many will disagree with our rankings for Melbourne below.

That is understandable. We did not apply any sort of scient-sy rigour to this or statistician methodology to analyse accountants. Quite honestly, it was hard enough to spell those words as we are just accountants – and don’t claim to be anything else. However, people always wonder what some of the best out there are, for them. And we were curious too i.e. who do we need to copy to get better? Where can we beat our competitors in terms of customer service and satisfaction of business owners? Particularly small business owners. We did our own version of that research, copied, competed and implemented what we found. So we thought we could share some informal (And very likely biased) version of that with the broader business community in Melbourne. Much of this is paraphrased from their accounting services pages and site or reviews – so here goes nothing!


#1 My Tax Guy



Based on our research, one of the main issues small business owners in Melbourne face is responsiveness. (We limited this research to Melbourne and can’t speak for other major cities. )Their accountants take forever to get back to them. So, that is something My Tax Guy addresses and focuses on, as an accounting firm for small business owners. No client has ever left us because we did not respond fast enough. Like the gun slingers of the olden’ days, we are quick on the draw when it comes to responding to our clients. Lightning McQueen style! Except we don’t shoot and or run over our clients! Communication is important and we don’t just say that, we live that as you can see from our Google reviews and others as well.


Another one (more a need than a want) is the amount of time spent on their accounts. As all accountants go through the same type of rigorous training, we are like the Navy Seals of professional services, if you wish! Daily ice baths from the ATO! But not all accountants spend the same amount of time on your accounts. My Tax Guy definitely spends more time than many others. We don’t charge like a PWC (or do anything like them for that matter), but we are certainly no H&R Block. We are slightly above average practices but spend way more time with you, in terms of your accounts or tax planning where required.


Also, a few industries have specific needs. At any rate, that’s what we found and designed our service to relieve these pressures. And solve those problems. So, if you are one of those, best call and see whether we have an accountant that knows your industry well before jumping aboard. We are mostly a generic  accounting practice with only a few specialisations.

That’s enough on one practice. Time for the next? Ok, here goes.


#2 Carbon Group



Carbon Group is an accounting and advisory firm based in Melbourne. These guys state they have a strong focus on serving the needs of small businesses. They may understand the unique challenges faced by small business owners. Offering a comprehensive range of services to help them thrive.


One of the key services that gets mentioned is the provision of bookkeeping. They state they offer efficient and accurate bookkeeping solutions. They want small business owners to have a clear picture of their financial position. This includes managing accounts payable and receivable, bank reconciliations, and financial reporting and so on.


Tax planning is another area of expertise highlighted by the Carbon Group. They claim to work closely with small businesses to develop effective tax strategies, minimizing tax liabilities while ensuring compliance with tax regulations. This includes proactive tax planning, identifying deductions and credits, and optimizing business structures for tax efficiency.


In addition to bookkeeping and tax planning, Carbon Group claim to provide valuable business advisory services. They assist small business owners in making informed decisions by providing financial analysis, budgeting, and forecasting. They also offer guidance on cash flow management, identifying opportunities for growth, and developing business strategies.


What seems to set Carbon Group apart is their commitment to technology and innovation. They leverage cloud-based accounting systems and digital tools to streamline processes and improve efficiency for their small business clients. This allows for real-time access to financial data, collaboration, and seamless integration with other business applications.


Overall, Carbon Group may be known for their expertise in serving small businesses in Melbourne. Their tailored solutions, proactive approach, and emphasis on technology may make them a popular choice for small business owners looking for comprehensive accounting and advisory support.



#3 BlueRock Accounting.



These guys have the fanciest website around. Although we found it a bit confusing navigating and harder to understand what they specialised at or were offering e.g. we had to dig around to find out that they actually offer tax planning!

Despite that, BlueRock Accounting seems to be a forward-thinking accounting firm that focuses on small businesses and startups. They provide a wide range of services, including accounting, taxation, business advisory, cloud accounting solutions, and financial planning. BlueRock Accounting claims to understand the unique needs of small businesses and combines financial expertise with innovative technology to deliver tailored solutions that help small businesses thrive.

BlueRock is a multidisciplinary professional services firm that operates in Melbourne, among other locations. With a focus on providing integrated solutions, BlueRock offers a range of services to individuals, businesses, and investors.


As an accounting firm, BlueRock provides comprehensive accounting and tax services to businesses of all sizes. They assist with financial reporting, bookkeeping, tax compliance, and advisory services. Their team of experienced accountants helps clients manage their financial records, optimize tax outcomes, and navigate complex accounting regulations.


BlueRock also offers business advisory services to support clients in strategic decision-making and growth. They work closely with businesses to understand their goals, challenges, and opportunities, providing customized advice and solutions. This may include assistance with business planning, financial forecasting, performance analysis, and process improvement.


In addition to accounting and business advisory, BlueRock has expertise in areas such as legal services, wealth management, corporate advisory, and digital solutions. This multidisciplinary approach allows them to provide holistic support to their clients, addressing various aspects of their financial and business needs under one roof.


BlueRock emphasizes the use of technology and innovation in their services. They leverage cloud-based accounting systems, digital tools, and data analytics to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and provide real-time financial insights. This enables clients to have better visibility into their financial position and make more informed decisions.


What sets BlueRock apart is their commitment to building long-term relationships with clients. They strive to understand their clients’ unique circumstances and develop tailored solutions to meet their specific needs. Their client-centric approach, combined with their diverse expertise, positions BlueRock as a trusted partner for businesses and individuals seeking comprehensive financial and advisory support.


#4 Hillyer Riches


(As you probably realise if you have read this far – we are slightly/or paraphrasing from their sites)


“Our primary goal is to provide you and your business with peace of mind.


Are you searching for an agile accounting firm that perfectly aligns with your business? Look no further. Our Caulfield-based organization consists of chartered accountants, tax specialists, business and marketing advisors, financial planners, and wealth experts, all dedicated to your personal and company’s success.


We offer an array of services to meet your needs. From BAS/IAS compliance and tax planning to strategies for business growth, cash flow improvement, profit maximization, asset protection, and succession planning, our friendly and knowledgeable team has got you covered. We go beyond traditional bean counting, providing expert advice and tailored solutions to fuel your success.


Accounting is at the core of what we do. Our experienced professionals handle all aspects of tax accounting and planning, pre-30 June reviews, tax cost minimization, capital gains tax record keeping, BAS and IAS obligations, and cloud-based bookkeeping. Rest assured, we will ensure that you meet all state and federal legal requirements, allowing you to focus on what you do best.


At Hillyer Riches, we provide you with a competitive advantage, whether you’re a startup with an innovative idea, establishing a new company, expanding or consolidating your business, optimizing your superannuation, or seeking expert advice on capital protection.


Our accountants are experts in cloud accounting systems, and we can guide you in implementing the best technology for your company. As partners with MYOB, Quickbooks, and XERO, we can assess your needs and recommend the ideal system.


Beyond just crunching numbers, we excel in both high-level conceptual thinking and meticulous attention to detail. We can help you transform your ideas into a well-crafted strategy, brainstorming with you and providing a practical roadmap for achieving your goals.”


# 5 – Chan & Naylor



“Welcome to Chan & Naylor Melbourne, where we strive to deliver the highest level of service to our clients and position ourselves as leaders in the Accountancy Industry’s Business Advisory Services.


Property Tax Accounting

At Chan & Naylor Melbourne, our proficient property tax accountants are renowned for providing reliable tax guidance and property tax accounting services to property investors. With our support, investors at any stage of their property investment journey, whether just starting out or well-established, can:


Structure their investment portfolio to enhance asset protection.

Optimize cash flows by deducting various depreciation expenses.

Implement property investment strategies that legally minimize taxes.

Claim all entitled tax deductions, including depreciation and property-related expenses.

Access low-interest investor loans through our Finance team.

Establish effective debt structures for purchasing investment properties.

Develop strategies for funding and structuring property purchases.

Property Tax & Investment Structures

Chan & Naylor has developed proprietary property investment trusts and structures with sophisticated lineage clauses. These trusts fortify your wealth against potential conflicts with in-laws or family law courts, ensuring that only family members can be the ultimate beneficiaries or next trustees of your property investment trust.


Our property tax accounting and guidance extend to various estate planning matters, including asset ownership, control, and the tax implications of passing assets down through generations. We offer experienced advice on safely transferring assets while lawfully minimizing taxes for you and future generations.


The Chan & Naylor Property Investor Trust® is the only ATO-approved method for claiming negative gearing as a tax deduction against your PAYG. Additionally, unlike traditional trusts, the Chan & Naylor PIT® doesn’t expire after 80 years, thus avoiding federal and state-based taxes like Capital Gains Tax and Stamp Duty.


Outgrown Your Tax Accountant or Agent?

If your family accountant isn’t maximizing your entitled deductions, they may be costing you more money than their services are worth. Rely on the expertise and dependability of leading property tax accountants for a second opinion on your tax return or if you seek proactive tax guidance and accurate returns for property investors.


Our Mission

“Empowering you to achieve financial stability and lead a fulfilling life, ready to conquer the world.”


We believe this mission is both noble and valuable!


Benefits of Financial Stability…


Reduced stress and improved well-being

Increased lifetime options and choices

Freedom to be generous

Financially secure future for your children

We take pleasure in working with individuals and business owners who are passionate about their future goals. We understand the significance of having a team of specialists by your side!


Our History

Chan & Naylor Accountants was established in 1990 by founders Edward Chan and David Naylor. Their expertise has made Chan & Naylor one of the country’s leading property investment accountants specializing in structuring. Financially Sorted was founded in April 2017 by CEO and Founder Peter Locandro, who spent nearly 20 years working for a large firm before embarking on his mission to assist clients in achieving financial organization in all aspects of their lives. Upon being asked to become the managing partner of both companies, Peter accepted the role on July 1, 2019, leading to the creation of Chan & Naylor Melbourne, incorporating Financially Sorted.”


**As mentioned before, most of these are paraphrased from their sites or where these firms have been mentioned favourably.


# 6 Uplift Accounting


“Uplift Your Profitability


Discover how our business accounting services in Melbourne can benefit you today!


Accounting & Tax Services in Melbourne

Our team of top-notch accountants and tax agents in Melbourne simplifies your financial matters and empowers your success.


We take pride in making accounting an enlightening experience, allowing you to grasp the bigger picture.


Value goes beyond mere numbers.


Our exceptional Melbourne accountants and tax agents provide practical accounting and tax advice tailored to the real world.


With the guidance of our expert team, create seamless accounting solutions that effectively manage and expand your business!


Our Melbourne accountants and tax advisors specialize in developing personalized accounting strategies that align with your budget and business needs. Uplift’s bespoke business accounting and tax services are suitable for companies at every stage of growth.


The strength of Uplift lies in the relationships we build with our clients and partners.


Be transparent with us about your expectations and financial constraints.


Our track record of consistent growth speaks for itself.


Founded in 2013, our dedicated team of Melbourne accountants, bookkeepers, mortgage brokers, and business consultants is committed to assisting individuals, families, and organizations in finding integrated and cost-effective solutions, relieving the stress and hassle associated with any financial situation.


We achieve this by comprehensively assessing your current business or personal financial circumstances, helping you define clear goals, and determining the most effective strategies to reach your desired destination.


Our holistic approach to your financial well-being offers you the freedom to live life on your own terms. Whether you’re a business owner seeking growth with reduced stress or an employee/investor/trader aiming to optimize your earnings and establish multiple income streams for a secure future, we’ve got you covered.


To discover how we can expedite and secure your journey towards your goals, contact us now to schedule a free discovery meeting.”


# 7 MC Business Advisors – Small business Accountants in Melbourne


The business claims to have a reputable team of family business consultants dedicated to serving the unique needs of family businesses. “With over ten years of experience working in an esteemed Australian accounting firm, we bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge to support family enterprises.”


Their team states to have worked with the top four accounting firms globally and the top ten accounting firms worldwide, showcasing our commitment to delivering exceptional services. “Recognizing our proficiency, the Australian Institute of Tax Accountants has appointed our head accountant as a senior member.”


Tax consulting is claimed to be one of their core areas of specialization in online sources. “Family businesses often have complex family structures and face stringent tax obligations.” With the Australian taxation system being intricate, they state that they understand the importance of providing timely and essential tax advisory services to family clients. Moreover, due to the international backgrounds of our clients, they also seem to offer reliable support in international tax laws.


Over the years, they state to have assisted clients with various tax-related services, including tax group formation and integration, trust fund formation and restructuring, family asset structuring, and representation during tax audits. Their stated goal is to ensure their clients navigate the complexities of the tax landscape while maximizing their financial well-being.


In addition to tax consulting, they claim to provide comprehensive accounting and tax declaration services. “Our team assists family clients in managing their accounting needs and fulfilling tax obligations.” Furthermore, they also claim to offer support in setting up robust financial systems for major private firms, helping them maintain accurate financial records and streamline their operations.


They state their commitment to delivering exceptional services tailored to the specific requirements of family businesses. “Our expertise in tax consulting, accounting, and tax declaration allows us to provide comprehensive support to our valued clients.”


# 8 Accountant Melbourne Co – Business Accountants and services



At Accountant Melbourne Co, they pride themselves on serving the entire Melbourne area, offering both in-office consultations and the convenience of coming to you. Their team of Melbourne accountants states being dedicated to providing professional accounting and tax guidance at affordable rates.


“We offer a wide range of accounting services designed to meet the needs of businesses, individuals, and other organizations. Whether it’s accounting, bookkeeping, or payroll services, Accountant Melbourne Co has you covered.” Their goal is stated as providing practical and tax-effective solutions for all our clients.


When it comes to taxation, they claim to understand the importance of accuracy and efficiency. “Our Melbourne accountants can electronically lodge various types of tax returns, including those for businesses, trusts, partnerships, sole traders, and individuals. We strive to ensure a smooth and hassle-free tax filing process.”


For those looking to establish a business, they claim to also specialize in determining the most suitable business structures that align with their clients specific needs. “We carefully consider tax and asset protection concerns to help you make informed decisions about the best structure for your business.”


Managing your superannuation funds is crucial for securing your financial future, and their team at Accountant Melbourne is here to assist. They claim to provide guidance on establishing and managing self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs), “empowering you to take control of your superannuation.”


In addition to their accounting and tax services, they also offer consulting and financial planning assistance. They claim to understand that business owners may require restructuring or financial guidance to navigate growth opportunities or unexpected economic events. “Our experienced team is well-equipped to advise your company on the best course of action.”


Accountant Melbourne Co claim to be comprised of a group of accountants with a collective experience of over 4000 clients and an average of 20 years dealing with tax and business matters. “We have worked with a wide range of clients, from small businesses to large enterprises generating billions in revenue. Regardless of your size, we treat each client with utmost respect and exceptional care.”


Accountant Melbourne Co claims to stand for reliable accounting services that prioritize your financial success.


# 9 Integrated Accountants Financial Planning – Small Business Accountants In Melbourne


At Integrated Accountants Financial Planning, they claim to be dedicated to helping individuals like you achieve everyday independence. They state their approach as going beyond the numbers to establish a financial framework that aligns with your aims and values, representing the real you. Think of us as part mentor, part coach – they say.


They claim to take the time to understand what motivates you and your goals. “We assess where you currently stand and where you aspire to be in the future. Our focus is not only on what you need, but also on what you truly desire. We believe that what you want to say and how you want to be remembered are the most important factors in financial planning.”


They claim to be qualified and skilled financial planners too, possessing the technical expertise to guide you through the complexities of financial management. “What truly matters to us is your overall well-being and how we can empower you to live the life you desire today and tomorrow.”


Their services seem to encompass a range of areas:


Investments: They claim to help you design a strong investment plan based on their experience, understanding of current trends, and professional knowledge. This purports to ensure that you can make the best possible decisions for both the present and the future.


Superannuation: They specialize in providing guidance on managing your superannuation, helping you maximize its potential and secure your financial future.


Goal-oriented Strategies: To develop customized strategies to help you achieve your specific goals and desired lifestyle. By understanding your aspirations, they could create a roadmap that leads to financial success.


Debt Elimination: They assist you in developing strategies to eliminate debt and achieve financial freedom, providing peace of mind and financial security.


“Our mission is to bring clarity, peace of mind, and financial assurance to your life. We are proud to offer sound financial advice to everyday Australians, ensuring that our services are accessible to all. Our holistic approach means that your journey towards financial security starts now, with the adoption of a tailored financial plan that suits your unique circumstances.”


#10 – Bookkept


These guys claim to be a dynamic team of qualified CPAs and business advisors dedicated to providing top-notch accounting and business advice services to small and mid-sized businesses. “We understand the unique challenges faced by businesses in these sectors and strive to deliver comprehensive solutions tailored to their specific needs.”


Their expertise covers a broad range of areas, including compliance, bookkeeping, and ATO-related matters for small businesses. “We are proficient in using leading software like Xero and MYOB, allowing us to efficiently manage your accounting needs.” Additionally, they claim to provide payroll services and offer guidance on optimizing your business processes and systems to enhance customer growth and expansion.


“When it comes to tax and business accounting, we recognize the importance of accuracy and timeliness.” Your year-end financials and tax returns are critical components of your overall tax strategy, and Bookkept (based in Melbourne) state that their firm ensures they are prepared promptly and accurately. “As a team of dedicated Chartered Accountants, we prioritize your financial security and offer a wide range of accounting and tax services.” With claims to an end-to-end service, they feel you can trust that nothing will fall through the cracks between your bookkeeper and accountant.


Based in Melbourne but serving clients throughout Australia, Bookkept claims to be a forward-thinking cloud-based tax and business advisory firm. They cater to various industries and sectors, providing a wide array of accounting and business consultancy services to meet all your accounting needs.


They claim to not be your typical accounting firm. Daniel and Brendan, the founders of Bookkept, envisioned a progressive accounting firm that breaks away from traditional stereotypes. Drawing from their own experiences as entrepreneurs and our extensive background in tax and business services, they feel they have created a firm that prioritizes innovation, transparency, and client value.


“Unlike traditional firms with hidden costs and complicated fee structures, we believe in transparency and simplicity.” Our fees are based on the value we provide rather than tracking every minute of our time. By focusing on delivering high-level visibility on business performance, we empower our clients to effectively manage their cash flow and drive continuous growth. We go beyond tax and bookkeeping, providing insights and guidance through financial reporting to help clients better understand and control their business growth opportunities. We maintain regular communication with our clients to ensure they stay on top of their tax obligations, rather than waiting until the end of the fiscal year.


At Bookkept, we guide our clients through the intricacies of their corporate structures, offering tax planning and asset protection advice to future-proof their businesses. We derive immense satisfaction from witnessing our clients achieve their targets and surpass their goals. Our innovative and personalized accounting solutions leverage cloud-based technologies, giving our clients a comprehensive birds-eye view of their organization’s performance. We pride ourselves on leading by example with our paperless, cloud-based office, eliminating the need for printers.


What sets us apart is our agility and problem-solving approach, enabling our clients to reach their full potential. As CPA-qualified accountants and business consultants, we are committed to delivering exceptional service and adding tangible value to your business. Partner with Bookkept to unlock your business’s true potential and experience the difference of working with a proactive and forward-thinking accounting team.”



There you go, folks – the “creme de la creme” if you wish, based on whenever we did this informal survey. Things have probably changed since then – so, please check their Google reviews before you do anything. Worth noting, ahem.. My Tax Guy has only ever received glorious 5 star reviews (so far).